How to boost your body's immunity?

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Learn about the most important honeys to boost the body's immunity

As the weather begins to change and temperatures drop, clearly indicating the arrival of winter, many people feel anxious about the increased possibility of health, psychological and chronic diseases! Sudden changes in temperature and humidity weaken the immune system, exhaust our bodies and make the body more susceptible to diseases.

The main reason behind the weakness of the body's immunity in winter is due to several reasons.

  • Deficiency of some vitamins, the most important of which is vitamin D, as in the winter we are not exposed enough to sunlight. The sun Which is considered the main source of this vitamin (vitamin D), which plays a fundamental role in supporting and strengthening immunity and the immune system.
  • The possibility of infection and transmission of germs and viruses from one person to another increases, as staying in closed places for long hours leads to an exacerbation of the severity of the disease and its spread.
  • The transition between warm and cold climates, which leads to a significant weakening of the immune system, is what our bodies are often exposed to in the winter, as the immune system receives a shock that leads to its weakening and limiting its ability to function properly.
  • Taking medical medications: Some people believe that taking medications and medical drugs will protect them from diseases, and this is a wrong belief. In most cases, medications can lead to weakening the body and reducing its immunity.
  • There are many other reasons that lead to a decline in the performance of the immune system and its weakening, but do not worry, the solutions are always within our reach, and most importantly, they are natural solutions that help build the body and strengthen its immunity. From the bounties of nature comes to us the best medicine and cure, which is honey.
  • Honey is one of the most important natural foods that boost immunity. Experts and researchers recommend including honey in our daily routine, as studies and research confirm that honey boosts the body’s immunity, provides it with energy, activates vital functions, and maintains general health.
  • In Al-Thunayan Apiaries, we have developed and enhanced these advantages and produced a special mixture to strengthen immunity (immunity mixture honey or immunity honey).

Which is considered one of the most important honeys that should be consumed at the beginning of winter, as it works to:

  • Strengthening the immune system: Honey naturally contains antioxidants and plant compounds that help strengthen the immune system and fight diseases. With honey being fortified with the most important ingredients for boosting immunity, such as propolis and royal jelly, this mixture becomes a protective shield against many contagious diseases.
  • Strengthening children’s immunity: In general, children’s bodies are weak in the face of contagious diseases, so it is important to give them something that will boost their immunity and increase their activity. The immunity honey mixture is considered one of the most important foods that do this.
  • Antibacterial and anti-infective power: Immune honey contains antimicrobial and antifungal properties that help fight infections and inflammations as the immunity mixture is rich in propolis which is a natural antibiotic.
  • Although this mixture is considered the best type of honey to strengthen immunity, it also improves and strengthens the body's activity in general, provides natural protection, and supports vital functions.

How to use Honey immune mixture ?

The best way to take immunity honey is to take a tablespoon in the morning mixed in warm water after stirring well and drink it. Repeat this portion daily at the same time. This gives the maximum expected benefit in raising the body’s immunity and protecting it against diseases and weather fluctuations.

Where can I get the best honey for immunity?

Al-Thunayan Apiaries offers you a carefully studied recipe by nutrition and health care experts. We make this mixture with great care for your health and your trust in our products. We offer the immunity mixture, which is a unique mixture consisting of royal jelly and natural propolis with mountain sidr honey. This mixture combines the power of natural honey with nutrients that enhance general health and strengthen the immune system. This mixture is specially designed to support immunity and improve health in natural and effective ways. This honey mixture contains a group of natural ingredients that work in an integrated manner to enhance the body's natural defenses and help it fight diseases.

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